Winter Weather in OKC
December 2013

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We've had a few brief encounters with old man winter here in Oklahoma this year.  Mostly just enough to make life a hassle for a few days as it is very hard to get around in this stuff. (Even if you have the driving skills, as Eric does - the rest of us Okies do not!)  

One of the ice storms was very pretty, as well as one of the brief snows.  I managed to capture a bit of it when it wasn't too windy out.  

 Looking out at our street This north-facing wall got well coated.
Some of the icicles froze parallel to the ground.  Neat!  The ice is way thicker than the little dead vine it surrounds.


Ice bunnies Each blade of grass was an individual icicle


 The holly berries made this a pretty shot All the pine trees in the area looked like this - it was beautiful!

Here a bird gets past the 'ice bars' that block the bird feeder
  My pansies did not survive this pile 'o snow



The Cardinals always look so beautiful in the snow
  The trees sparkled in the light of a street light or the sun, gorgeous! 

This is a shot of some of the Chesapeake lights during the ice, although
they are this pretty even when there isn't ice.  I feel so blessed to live near
this light display so that I get to enjoy it all the time.  


Trying to catch the way the trees sparkled in the sun.  You just have to see it in person to get the full effect.  Lovely stuff.


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