Women in the Outdoors
Saturday, March 29, 2008

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Friends K and Sa Olsen joined me on a trip to Sapulpa for a Women in the Outdoors event.  The weather turned off cold, but at least it didn't rain.  (The following day was 80 degrees though, that would have been nice!)  We had a great time and learned lots of neat things.
 Here K and I learn all about outdoor grilling while Sa 
 is in the Shotgun class.
Next Sa & I learned knife forging.  Here is a tray
full of our raw material - tines from a hay rake.
They weren't red, that was a trick of the light.

Here's a close-up of one of them. He hammered one end flat for us to save some time.

 I'm unusually happy about getting to hammer.  Here I get some last-minute instruction.
Me removing the red-hot metal from the forge. And wailing away at it with the hammer.
 Once I got the handle long enough, he shaped the handle into a curve. Here he grinds the blade.
 Now Sa gets her turn at knife-making. She was a natural at it. 

Group shot taken just before lunch.  Why it couldn't have been AFTER lunch is beyond me, I was hungry!

 Next K & I learned to make pine-needle baskets
Next I went back to the knife class where he tempered
the steel by heating and cooling it over and over for us.
 Our last class of the day was archery - a big hit! We all enjoyed this one, it was fun.  

The whole archery class, showing off our new skills.





Here we are - Outdoor Women 
  at the end of a good day. 

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